
Conducting varities of workshops for helping students to develop their technical, personal & interpersonal skills.

Some of the many workshops – 

1) Public speaking

2) Group discussion

3) Conducting effective QA

4) Team building

5) Programming

….and many more



Educating the youths in tips & techniques that gives them the edge in the cut throat competition today.

Necessary ‘Life Skills’ are imparted and cultivated through these seminars.

Some of the seminars we offer- 

1) Art of Managing Yourself

2) Discover Yourself

3) Mastering Mind Management

4) Concentration in the age of Distraction

5) Power of Habits

6) Time Management

7) Art of Effective Studies

…..Many More 

Discovering the latent talent

Helping the young talent to groom themselves in various hobbies like – 


Poster design

Movie making


Web designing

……much more


Counselling &

Providing key guidance to the students on developing necessary aptitude & interview skills for the placements.



Outings to soothe the stressful mind and rejuvenate one to perform better.

Visits to places of technological importance, historical significance, landscape prominence and much more…….