Discovering the Bahubali within…

With scientific knowledge and the development what has happened? We humans have developed powers that are far greater than physical powers.

Lions and Tigers… physically they are better endowed than us, but we have conquered over them, we are ruling the earth, why? Because with our intellect we have tapped subtler powers. So, there could be power of bombs, there could be power of guns, but if we go deeper… one atom or one nucleus can have so much power that it can destroy a whole city. So, subtler powers are far more consequential than grosser powers.
On one side technology has given us tremendous access to external power, but unfortunately internal power… that is the power to manage our own desires and emotions; is terribly lacking, and that is why people become suicidal.

Why do people become suicidal? Because we all need a sense of self-validation…. ‘I am good, I am special, I am wonderful.’… and in today’s world because there is so much glamorization of ideal things… You know people with perfect figure, perfect speech, great smartness. So, we feel insecure, and therefore in the need for validation we may do anything and everything. Somebody may even think that by hurting myself I will show that I am special. Thus they may commit suicide because of that. So, where do we get our validation from?

Not only do we not have science and technology which has given us access to external powers… but we have not been given access to internal power. That is why we have addictions… device addiction, video games addiction and of course drug addictions and alcohol addictions are of course there itself, but what is happening? When the outer power is not corresponding with the inner power than actually we become more entangled. Not only that, but there is a systematic propaganda by which we get internally trapped.

I will give two examples of how after smoking was known to be dangerous it was portrayed in such a way that it evoked peoples dare-devil spirit and they started smoking more and how? Woman were induced to smoke by portraying cigarettes as torches of freedom. So, power is never taken away as effectively as by giving the illusion of power. So today’s media gives us the illusion of power… ‘You can choose whatever you want, you can eat this, you can do this, but then we are losing power over our desires, our own minds. Now we may not be caught for our wrong doings but we will be caught by our wrong doings.Once the desire becomes addictive… what we may do we can’t predict. A boy killing his own mother to get some money for drugs and then killing himself in remorse. Why this? So, our desires… if they are not managed properly they can completely distort our perspective and make us do destructive things.

So, how do we gain inner power? Our whole society culture media pushes us to get power… improve your memory, improve your speech fluency, get more marks in your exams. All this is good but our life’s success and destiny will be determined not just by this powers but our inner power to manage our emotions.

How do we get achievement? Talent plus temperament leads to achievement.So, we all want achievement and if we don’t get achievement we feel insecure and if we look at others who are more talented than us, then again we feel insecure, but spirituality tells us that… if God had wanted us to be someone else He would have made us someone else. We have been made in a way that is enough for our spiritual growth, for our growth. So, rather than looking at what is there in other people’s plates we savour that what is in our plate. Satisfaction is not just an emotion within, it is a decision we make. So, we focus on the talents we have and rather than craving for others talents we focus on developing our own talents, and then secondly our temperament refers to our capacity to manage our emotions. When bad things happen how do we deal with them? When cheap desires come within us how do we deal with them? And this temperament is boosted and strengthened by our spirituality.

So, today’s world talks about freedom in terms of freedom for, but a more empowering form of freedom is freedom from… freedom from unworthy desires, freedom from negative emotions, and that freedom from is what is provided by spirituality.

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